Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ultrasound Update

Okay, fine! If hardly anyone will guess, then I suppose I'll just let the cat out of the bag (so you can all start helping us come up with names)...

This is an image from below (i.e., as if he were sitting on the camera lens) and those are legs pointing left above and below the arrow ("BOY" is on the right leg).

We had one girl name that we both agreed on (probably a middle name), but we have no boy names that we can agree on so far. We're looking for something slightly different (i.e., absolutely, unequivocally not trendy), but not weird. Any suggestions? :D


Leah Marie said...

Yay! for boys!!!

I really like the name Quinter, which I don't think is too weird...

Aubrey said...

Awwww....cute background.

JenWright said...

Congrats on your boy!! :)

Brenna said...

Awww I would have guessed I just haven't blogged in a while! :( I am so excited that my baby will have a buddy! sweet! I like Triston, or Kayle, Greyson, Roamee, Carter, Kiplan, Jace...I could go on if you are looking for more unique names. so I will stop there. :)

TexasTwinsTwice said...

I find most ultrasound pictures to be VERY hard to read....but that one CLEARLY shows--he's ALL boy! ;-) Congrats to you guys--and good luck on names!! I know Cole has been dibbed by various sisters since our youth (me included), but no one's used it?! ;-)

Carca said...

Congratulations!!!! I just found out!!!!!

Darin and Elaina said...

Finding the right name can be tricky...we knew with our first son what his name would be before he was born. Our second son, however, was a different story. The nurses were giving us suggestions on the day we were leaving the hospital. It all worked out okay and I am sure it will for you too. Good luck with everything and congratulations.

Mom Gavin said...

I thought I already left a comment, cuz I know I already looked at the ultrasound. Dad is more creative, so he comes up with the lists & I had the power of veto. That worked well for us. CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for you.