Friday, May 25, 2012

Teacher Gifts

Yesterday was the last day of school. I made gumball "machines" for Treyton's & Elise's teachers.
I got the idea from this blog. Then I found the printable tag on this blog. I made a few prototypes out of various items from Dollar Tree, but ended up creating my own hybrid of Dollar Tree / Hobby Lobby glassware, which I got the idea for painting from this blog. :)

 If I had more time, I would have etched the names on the glass (or done a different color of vinyl that was easier to see/read). I probably also would have designed a vinyl "knob" & "chute door" to make it look more like a gumball machine.

Say Cheese

Apparently, Carsten wanted some cheese. This week, he has learned how to unlock the gate that used to keep him out of the kitchen. I'm impressed that he operated the cheese slicer to divide this 2lb. block in two. But then he proceeded to take bites out of both sections. :( The other kids are grossed out and don't want that cheese anymore. Carsten is fine with that. :)

Father & Son Campout

Our ward Father & Son campout was at the lake this year. Carsten has been talking non-stop for the past several weeks about "Daddy. Boat. Water." When the day finally came and he saw Brian pulling the boat out of the side yard, he would not let it out of his sight. I was going to take him with me to a restaurant (usually he *loves* to go "bye-bye"), but he would not leave the boat.
There are no pictures of the Father & Son outing. Rumor has it, Carsten only fell into the lake and almost drowned once...

Tough Day

After a long day of playing, Paxton crashed out in his exersaucer.


Cartsen & Paxton were born just two days shy of exactly two years apart, so Paxton is able to wear all of Carsten's old clothes in the same seasons and everything. Between that and hand-me-downs from family & friends, I've been able to dress them in quite a few matching outfits. :)


Carsten has been foraging a lot lately. Here he is eating an avocado he got out of the fridge, peel and all.
 Here he is eating a (not quite ripe) red pepper he prematurely picked out of the garden.
Treyton used to sneak spinach leaves off the counter when I was making salad (although he hates spinach now and doesn't like being reminded of that story). I've just never been able to get upset at a kid eating healthy foods without permission. :)

Baking Cookies

Carsten & Paxton were helping bake cookies.

I don't remember now what I had to step away for, but apparently it was just enough time for Carsten measure everything back out of the bowl that had previously been measured into it.
I like to take pictures when I find messes like this for two reasons:
  1. To document/preserve childhood memories
  2. To give myself time to defuse before reacting...

Pinewood Derby

In March Treyton had his first Pinewood Derby.
 Ethan volunteered to help hand back cars after they raced.
 Elise entertained Carsten (i.e. kept him from crossing the "Caution" tape and grabbing race cars).
Refreshments were served afterward: Capri Suns and KRISPY KREMES! I hadn't had one of those in years! Delicious, as always. :) It's a good thing the nearest location is several miles away.

Friday, May 11, 2012

"Soon" is relative...

I give up. May is nearly half over, which means the year is nearly half over, and I still don't have our Christmas update posted! I've wanted to post a few times, but felt that I simply *had* to post the Christmas update first, with the net result being that I haven't posted anything. :(
So, here is our 2011 in a tiny, tiny nutshell:

Brian: bought a boat
Chanda: had a baby without an epidural
Ethan: played tackle football
Elise: started rock climbing
Treyton: started piano lessons
Carsten: started talking
Paxton: was born

Ta da! I am now free to post 2012 events without 2011 still hanging over my head. :) With any luck, I'll post something before Christmas...