Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I bought a case of peaches last week and it turned out being more peaches than I anticipated. Somehow, in my mind, a case consisted of a few flats of nicely arranged peaches. In reality, it was a whole box full of peaches with no other filler whatsoever.
I spent last week scouring the city to collect the proper equipment. This was my first canning excursion as an adult so I had nothing of my own. Both Wal-Marts I checked were completely out of canning jars, but I finally found some at Fry's (thanks to a tip from Carla). I found a big, canning pot at Wal-Mart, and all the other specialized stuff at Shar's.
Brian was afraid, however, that I would not actually get around to canning the peaches so he started the process on his own Saturday morning. Halfway through, I encouraged him to go ahead with his own Saturday plans (i.e., I gently threatened to take over his housepainting project like he was taking over my peach canning project) and he went on his merry way. :) What I didn't know what that he had already started to make a sugar syrup to can the peaches in. I had purchased white grape juice for that purpose. So I used what I thought was plain, boiling water to boil the skins off the peaches and... to sterilize my jars. I was wondering why they were cloudy until Brian wandered by and explained. Fortunately, by that point it was funny.

I ended up bottling 5 quarts (only 4 sealed, though), making two quarts of freezer jam (thanks again, Carla), and the rest will be regular jam in cute little half-pint jars. :)


Paige said...

Save me some! :P haha

Aubrey said...

Ha,Ha. I'm impressed Brian stepped up and new that peaches were canned in sugar syrup and not just water Ü

Cha said...

Oh, my baby knows his way around the kitchen!!! :)

TexasTwinsTwice said...

Sounds yummy--Go Chanda! Now how about a few pics of these projects you've got going on around the house? Sounds fun over there! =)

Leah Marie said...

I love your tenacity when you take on a new project. This story makes me miss you.

Brenna said...

mmmmmmm! Sounds good! I want to see pics! I wish I could be that domesticated! :( I will dream thru you I guess! ha!

Carca said...

The jar of jam you gave me looks too pretty to use!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!

Mom Gavin said...

Great job with canning. I remember when we had a bunch of cucumbers. I was gone shopping or something & when I came home you had found a recipe & decided to make pickles. Tenacious is definitely a good description of you. Amazing. When you decide to learn to do something, there is no dissuading you. That is a good thing.