Friday, February 13, 2009

Anniversary Gift

And as a belated anniversary gift from our ski trip...


TexasTwinsTwice said...

WOO WOO--CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is absolutely awesome, and I'm so happy for you. =)

Aubrey said...

Yay for October!

Paige said...

Hooray! :)

Darin and Elaina said...

Wow that is so exciting for you all. Congrats. Hope you are feeling well.

Brenna said...

Wooohooo with the fancy shmancy clearblue test! I can't read so I went with the cheap (+ -) one on mine! LOL! Congrats I am so happy to have another baby buddy!

Mom Gavin said...

I am SOOOOO happy for you both!!!!!
You are SUCH a good mom!

Carca said...

Congrats!!!!!!!! that is awesome!