Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Brian

Brian is my perfect match. I never believed there was any such thing as a soul mate until I met him. He's my other half; hand-crafted just for me. I have learned so many things from him. He's a very hard worker and gives his all to everything he commits himself to. I'm so incredibly thankful to have him in my life.

What can I say? I LOVE HIM!!!


TexasTwinsTwice said...

What a sweet post! You guys are too cute. I hope you had a great time celebrating his b-day. Tell him the card is in the mail (I'm sending it late true Gavin style =).

Brenna said...

Awww Sweet soul mates! Cuteness!

Brenna said...

OOOOH! I love the new Title that is so cool!

Mom Gavin said...

That is SOOOO nice to read. I am so happy for you both!!!